Temple Isaiah Religious School

In our school, we create a warm, supportive community while engaging the students in a challenging curriculum to achieve our primary goal of developing Jews who both believe and behave as Jews of the modern era should, and feel proud to be Jewish.


Creating the next generation of Jewish adults is a team effort.  Parents and teachers must work together to pass on Jewish values and Jewish knowledge to our children.  Our goal is to help today’s children develop into responsible adults.  One way to meet this goal is to hold them accountable for their actions.  To do this, we must lay out our expectations and the consequences of not meeting them.  Thus, we have developed this Brit Kavod [honor covenant].  Students and parents must sign the extra copy of the Brit Kavod that they received and return it on the first day of classes.

Brit Kavod  [Honor Code]

I, the student, know that the Temple is a place of worship and that the Temple and the Religious School are places of learning and friendship.  I agree to the following:

·                     I will treat others with kavod [respect].

·                     I will make sure that my words are never harmful.

·                     I will never hit, kick or use violence.

·                     I will act appropriately in the sanctuary at all times.

·                     I will be honest at all times.

·                     I will observe the mitzvah of Ba’al Taschit [not destroying property or littering].

·                     I will complete my school assignments and homework.

·                     I will strive to be a mensch [a good person].

I, the parent, will be supportive of the goals of the Religious School. I agree to the following:

·                     I will reinforce the subjects taught in Religious School.

·                     I will set aside time for Religious School homework.

·                     I will attend worship services with my children.

·                     I will share my suggestions, concerns and praise with the teachers or the Religious School Director.

·                     I will endeavor to perform mitzvot [good deeds].

·                     I will be safety conscious, especially in the parking lot.

·                     I will support the school if any disciplinary action is necessary.

If a behavioral problem emerges, the teacher will remind the student of the terms of this Brit Kavod, will suggest appropriate ways of acting, and will explain the consequences if the student does not behave responsibly.  If the student continues to behave inappropriately, the student will meet with the Religious School Director to try to resolve the problem.  In extreme circumstances, a student may be suspended or expelled from the Religious School.  Parents will be involved to help resolve all serious or repetitive behavioral problems.

In sum, this Brit Kavod is intended to enhance the learning environment of the Religious School.  Students will have the best success in an educational setting that is supported by parents, teachers and administrators.