K-12 Opportunities

0rsweddingAt the Rabbi Harvey Witman Religious School, our Kindergarten through 12th grade students encounter the mysteries and the miracles of Judaism and Jewish life. Working with the home, the synagogue and the school, a warm, supportive community is created that promotes, teaches, and instills a sense of Jewish values, knowledge, and identity among its students.  Our students encounter our rich heritage as they are challenged to develop Jewish identities that will be meaningful as they enter the different stages of their lives.


School Closings

Please tune to the following radio and TV stations for announcements: WBLI 106.1 WBAB 102.3 WALK 97.5 Channel 12

Closings will also be e-mailed to those congregants on our Temple list. If you would like to be added, please contact: administrator@templeisaiahsb.org .

Alternate Learning Class Program

Temple Isaiah offers an Alternate Learning Class. This class meets on Sundays. It is a program for students who are in resource rooms, ALC classes, or have Individual Education Programs. If your child has an alternative style of learning, please make an appointment with Educator at the Religious School office to insure proper placement for the school year.