Endowment Fund


    We are pleased to announce the establishment of an Endowment Fund to help ensure the long term financial strength and stability of Temple Isaiah while enriching programs for the benefit of congregation members.

An Endowment Fund is a separate, legal entity from other temple operating and restricted funds. These funds will be invested by a professional portfolio manager. All policy decisions regarding the Endowment Fund will require executive board approval.

You may make donations of any type of asset to the fund including cash, appreciated securities, bequests in your will, remainder trusts, life insurance, and retirement plans. Real and personal property will be converted to cash. All donations will be invested in stable growth securities.  

Controls are in place to ensure that the fund continues to grow. When milestones are met, some of the assets may be used for special projects and/or day to day requirements.

Join us as we embark on a new era in securing Temple Isaiah’s future and strengthening the bond from one generation to another.

You may contact Rodger Jonas to learn more about our Endowment Fund or the office.


Rodger Jonas   rhjlij@optonline.net C631-235-3115
