Music, Story & Shabbat Celebration
Preschoolers (0 to 6 years old) and their parents are invited to come and share a “Taste of Shabbat” at our Story & Music Tot Shabbat Services. Tot Shabbat is led by Rabbi Josh and Rebbetzin Meg. This Tot Shabbat is held once a month on a Friday at 5:30 pm. Children will learn basic prayers, hear stories, sing songs, and have an “up-close-and personal” experience with the Torah. After we bless the juice and challah at the Oneg Shabbat, each child receives a mini-challah to take home. What a great way for Temple Isaiah members, relatives, friends, and neighbors to greet Shabbat together! This program is open to Temple members and non-members.
Upcoming Tot Shabbat Services at 5:30 pm:
March 15th, April 19th, May 17th, June 21st