See below a snippet from Rabbi Josh’s sermons over the years.
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Shabbat Shalom! !שבת שלום
See below a snippet from Rabbi Josh’s sermons over the years.
Want to read more? Click on the title of any to get the full text.
Shabbat Shalom! !שבת שלום
The great 2-sport professional athlete, all-time great cornerback, and current head coach of the University of Colorado Football team Deion “Prime-Time” Sanders once said, “If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play well. If you play well, they pay well.” There is no doubt that a team that is wearing […]
Let’s try an exercise together: I want you to either close or soften your eyes. Now think of a place, preferably from your past that evokes strong and positive memories and feelings. What does it look like? What does it smell like? Who is there with you? The more detail the better. Can you really […]
NIMBY. Not in My Backyard. This was a term I was first introduced to while working for a not-for-profit Mental Health Organization. The project that catalyzed this term was the implementation of a wonderfully-designed and evidence-based housing model for those struggling with mental health issues and with insecure housing; this project would take individuals and […]
“It’s just too much to handle.” “I have to check out.” I find that most people are irritating me.” “I’m just exhausted from it all.” Do we ever think, or maybe even say, some of these things? As many of us here in this sanctuary seek the peace and quietude of Shabbat, we often reflect […]
In the 1928 book “The Art of Flying” someone who is described as an “elderly woman” reflects on the experience of flying in an open cockpit military plane.She says,: “It was delightful. Now at last I know what Elijah felt like when he was drawn up to heaven in the chariot of fire.” Some fairly […]
According to the Cleveland Clinic, Nyctophobia is an extreme fear of the dark. This phobia is very common among children but can affect people of all ages. People with this specific anxiety disorder may have trouble sleeping, have panic attacks and may avoid leaving the house after dark. In this week’s parsha we are introduced […]
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. First met Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel in 1963 at a conference regarding race and religion. Dr. King and Rabbi Heschel formed a close relationship, with King even referring to Heschel as “my rabbi.” There is perhaps no series of images depicting black-jewish relations more famous than those of […]
As we approach the end of the book of Genesis or Bereishit, we become entrenched in the story of Joseph. We have learned of his seventeen-year-old arrogance, his interpretation of dreams (and his socially tone deaf manner of conveying them), his father Jacob’s favoritism, his brothers’ betrayal, and his eventual enslavement and rise to power […]
Dan Gable was a two-time NCAA Division 1 Wrestling Champion, a world gold medalist and an olympic gold medalist. He was also very quotable. He once said, “Once you’ve wrestled, everything in life is easy.” Wrestling, known as a truly exhausting, humbling, and difficult sport is front and center this week. My wrestling career ended […]
This week we read parsha Vayeitzei (Jacob DEPARTED). I look to the beginning of this portion, because I think we see a moment in Jacob’s life that perhaps we can all learn something from. Jacob, who is alone, on the run from his brother Esau, whom he has just wronged. He is also leaving after […]