Confirmation (8th – 10th grade)

Confirmation is a very dynamic and hands-on journey.  Through challenging and through-provoking content, students will identify and analyze various aspects of Judaism.  

Additionally confirmation students collectively create a capstone project that is shared with the congregation in the Spring.

Service Based

The first hour of class each week is service based.  Students can choose to act as madrichim (helpers) in the classroom or work closely with Rebbetzin Meg on various temple projects.

Temple projects in the past have included: helping find / create activities for the latke bash; organizing the song books; cleaning out behind the stage.

Units of Study

The confirmation class focuses on four distinct units of study:

  1. Israel Current Events
  2. Antisemitism History & Current Manifestations
  3. Medical & Bio-Ethics
  4. Capstone Project “Why does being Jewish matter?”


At the end of the 10th grade year, students revisit their time as a b’nai mitzvah and collectively help lead a Friday night service.

Parents are encouraged to sponsor the oneg for that service to celebrate these students’ accomplishments.